Monday, November 19, 2012

Update on Pete

For those of you that have not heard, Pete has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He has a tumor in his lung, brain, and a couple lymph nodes in his chest. He has been doing radiation for about two weeks now and his last day will be the day before Thanksgiving. He will have some rest time before he starts doing chemotherapy.  He would love to hear from all of you on here or by mail. (25176 459th Ave Humboldt, SD 57035)


We will keep you all updated on his condition. Thank you for your support!

We also have another website up and running to support Pete as well if you would like to visit and leave your support there as well.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Yes, so I know we fall behind on this blog thing! So sorry! But here's an update...This passed week the twins turned 3!! and they are growin SO FAST! Pete and Shar are still enjoying the bus rides with the kids. Tara is enjoying the college life at Dakota Wesleyan in Mitchell. Braden and Ellie are now in first grade and loving the fact that they can read and write. Reagan and Emery will be starting pre-school soon..(im not for sure when..) Ava has been attending pre-school as well. Corie...well she's just been hangin around!
More pictures will be added of the kids once they get uploaded off the camera!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

*Lucky Six*

Pete gives rides to the kids, but it probably wouldn't be a smart idea with all of these kids!
**Braden and Ava sit on the top of it. Sitting by Corie, Ellie holds Emery, and Pete holds Reagan.

!The Grand Kids!